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Mental Health Therapy

“Pues para mi estos servicios de Family Paths son muy buenos por que te dan mucha ayuda y también es como decir que es tu segunda familia. Yo le recomiendo a muchas personas que si quieren ayuda a que pueden contar con los servicios de Family Paths.” ~ Cliente juvenil de 16 años
“For me, the Family Paths services are very good because they give a lot of support and also it’s like a second family. I recommend [Family Paths] to many people and that if they need help they can count on the services from Family Paths.” 16-year-old youth client

To request therapy services call our Parenting Stress Helpline at 800-829-3777 between 9am-5pm or FILL OUT AN INTEREST FORM.

Referrals/requests for service are not accepted via email. 

An initial phone screening will determine which service is a best match for you. If Family Paths cannot meet your need, you will be offered additional referrals in the community. Once referred to Family Paths for therapy, you will be assigned to a therapist who will contact you to begin an assessment process that typically lasts up to 30 days. During that time, the therapist will meet with you, and your child if services are for them, to review history and any relevant information to determine if mental health services are appropriate. If you or your child does not meet the qualifications for mental health services, we will do our best to provide you with other resources in the community that might also meet you and your family’s needs. Most services are offered in English and Spanish.

Family Paths does not engage in treatment services for the purpose of custody evaluations, mediating divorce/separation disputes or for the purpose of making recommendations regarding placement, custody or caregiver competency.

Family Paths is committed to recognizing and serving all families, including LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual), foster, relative caregivers, and adoptive families. Family Paths embraces the Alameda County Fathers Corps’ Father-Friendly Principles.

Therapy with children is very different than therapy with adults. We often use the medium of play and art to communicate with children. These are natural modes of communication for children from all backgrounds and cultures.
When working with children we also expect to work closely with their caregivers and other significant people in their lives. Depending on the child’s age, we may ask you and/or other caregivers/family members to participate in therapy with your child; participate in family therapy sessions; or participate in collateral meetings with your child’s therapist. We know that you know more about your child than we do and we hope to form a partnership with you to help your child.

Typical reasons for referral:

  • Witness to violence (either in the home or the community)
  • Experienced a life threatening event
  • Being a victim of a crime
  • Experienced abuse (sexual or physical)
  • History of neglect
  • Loss of a parent
  • Impact of divorce
  • Increased anger/tantrums
  • Difficulty making or keeping friends
  • Behavioral challenges at school, daycare or home
  • Signs of depression or irritability
  • Signs of excessive anxiety or worry

Age range: We work with children ages 3 and up.

Payment Options:
Sliding scale based on family income; Full-Scope Alameda County Medi-Cal, approved Victims of Crime funding

Additional qualifications may apply. Please call our Parenting Stress Helpline at 800-829-3777 for more information.

To make a payment online: Family Paths Client Payment Form

At Family Paths, therapy with adults and couples is reserved for those adults who are parents or are in a caregiving role with children.
Therapy is typically focused on building healthy ways to manage the stress in your life and make good choices even when faced with the challenges that life brings your way. We help you find ways to take care of yourself, tap into your support network, and heal from past traumas that might be impacting your relationships with family, friends or ability to work. We can also work with you and your partner to develop better communication skills, work on parenting challenges, and improve family relationships.

Typical reasons for referral:

  • Current or previous violence in a partner relationship
  • Experienced a life threatening event
  • Being a victim of a crime
  • Experienced past abuse (sexual or physical)
  • Impact of going through a divorce
  • Family instability/parenting challenges
  • Recent loss/grief
  • Finding yourself more aggressive or self-destructive
  • Finding yourself isolated from friends
  • Having problems holding down a job
  • Signs of depression or irritability
  • Signs of excessive anxiety or worry

Payment Options:
Sliding scale based on family income, Alameda Alliance Medi-Cal (call for eligibility), and CalWORKs (with authorization)

Additional qualifications may apply. Please call our Parenting Stress Helpline at 800-829-3777 for more information.

To make a payment online: Family Paths Client Payment Form

For Private Pay services, you have a right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost.  CLICK HERE to learn more.

Usted tiene derecho a recibir un “Estimación de Buena Fe” que explica cuánto costará su atención médica. CLIC AQUÍ para saber más.