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What does Family Paths offer?

Parenting is 24/7 and so is our Parenting Stress Helpline. If you have any parenting concerns or questions, start off by calling us, anytime, day or night at 800-829-3777. Our trained telephone counselors will listen to your concerns and can offer suggestions to help. We can also refer you and/or your child to our other programs and services – including mental health treatment, family and parent yoga, and parenting classes. We also have an extensive database of family related resources throughout the county that can help meet your immediate needs

I think my child needs to see someone for therapy. Can I bring my child to your office?

All our first time assessments are done over the phone. We need to know the details of the main issues so that we can choose the therapist or program that best suits your child’s needs. Start by calling our Parenting Stress Helpline at 800-829-3777. A helpline counselor will ask preliminary questions to determine which program might be best. We can also refer them to other agencies in Alameda County.

My child seems angry or sad all the time. Is this normal?

The time to worry is when your child is showing highly unusual behavior that is causing them or others around them harm. A good question to ask is, “Are my child’s problems getting in the way of their day-to-day life?” When your child is frequently distressed, cannot be soothed or comforted or reasoned with, or is having problems that seem to be getting worse, don’t worry alone. Call us at 800-829-3777. We can talk it through with you.

My child is stressing me out. What can I do?

Parenting is hard! As the person who cares for your child, you probably know your child better than anyone else. Our counselors are here to listen and can offer you many strategies so that you are better able to deal with the challenges that come your way. Call our Helpline at 800-829-3777. We are here for one time calls or even regular call backs with the same person if you would like more support. If telephone counseling isn’t sufficient, we can refer you and/or your child to therapy, or refer you to our Parenting Classes. We also offer low-fee yoga to parents in our Oakland office to help any parent manage stress.

I think I need help, rather than my child. What do you have for me?

Our Positive Parenting Classes are appropriate for all types of families – expecting parents, parents of children of all ages, foster and kinship care providers, adoptive parents, LGBTQIA+ families and others involved in parenting roles. Our curriculum is designed to provide parents with an understanding of parenting skills and knowledge, particularly in the areas of child development, communication, discipline and self-awareness, while emphasizing the importance of self-care. Our goal is to provide parents with the tools they need to create a healthy, safe, and nurturing environment.

Classes are offered in both English and Spanish over Zoom. To sign up for our classes, call our Parenting Stress Helpline at 800-829-3777.

We also offer individual and couples therapy to parents in our Oakland and Hayward offices and via Telehealth video calls, as well as a skills group for mothers who have experienced trauma. Call us at 800-829-3777 for more information.

I am caring for a child, but I am not their parent. What have you to offer me?

We regard anyone who is raising a child, regardless of biological ties, as a parent. Our services are for grandparents, family members, foster parents, adoptive parents or brothers/sisters who are raising siblings. If you emotionally and physically protect a child, our services are for you. We want a safe home for every child. Call our Helpline at 800-829-3777.

I sometimes feel I want to hit my child to make them behave. Is this common?

Most parents at some time feel they are losing their temper with their child. The counselors at Family Paths understand this and can offer you different strategies to help you deal with discipline challenges. Before you lose your temper with your child, call our Parenting Stress Helpline at 800-829-3777. We are here to help with your every day parenting stress.

What should I do if I am concerned about my child’s behavior or emotional symptoms?

All children have trouble from time to time. It is normal for children to have times when they are sad, angry, frustrated, and act shy or show anxiety. Call us at 800-829-3777 if you think your child’s behaviors are impacting their ability to maintain friendships, learn in school, communicate with family, or putting them and/or others at risk for harm. Also, if you feel out of control yourself as a parent; it is probably time to reach out to a qualified professional. That’s us.

What are the treatment options for my child?

Every child is different. After being referred from the Hotline to a therapist, we will begin an assessment process that typically lasts 30 days. During that time, the therapist meets with your child and you as the child’s caregiver, and will review their history and any other information to determine if therapy is appropriate. If they do not meet the qualifications for our services, we do our best to provide you with other resources in the community that might also meet your family’s needs. It all starts with a call to our Helpline at 800-829-3777.

How much does therapy cost?

Our services range in cost depending on family income levels and which program you qualify for – but are typically geared to accommodate a range of income levels from very low to moderate. For those who have Alameda County Full-Scope Medi-Cal our therapy services are typically free. Please call our Helpline at 800-829-3777 to find out more.

Is my call confidential?

You do not need to give your name or address to our counselors on our Parenting Stress Helpline unless you are calling to get therapy services. All conversations are strictly confidential and we take your privacy seriously. We will never call you back without your permission, and will not disclose conversations to any other family members. HIPAA Privacy Regulations require confidentiality and security of protected health information. Every employee and volunteer at Family Paths is a “Mandated Reporter,” in compliance with California state law, and we are required to report known or suspected child maltreatment, or other forms of abuse.

What do I do if I have a complaint?

Read our Grievance policy.

Que hacer si usted tiene una queja.

Lea nuestra política de quejas en español.