Dear Friends of Family Paths,
As we end another calendar year, it is with sincere gratitude that I share with you some of the life changing successes that your support has made possible:
With your help, more families and children can have these life changing experiences through their work with Family Paths. I invite you to be part of the healing that will move our community forward by breaking the negative cycles of the past and creating a good life for the children and families of Alameda County today and in the future.
Scroll down to read our full 2019 Annual Report (financials, supporter lists, more program highlights), and join me in being inspired by the impact that your financial support makes in the lives of others!
Please help us support Alameda County children and their families by donating to Family Paths HERE.
Barbra Silver, Executive Director
Click HERE to view or print a pdf of the 2019 Annual Report.

Allison Bliss ~ Ashkenaz Music and Dance Community Center ~ Blue Heron Catering ~ Bridge Bank ~ Children’s Fairyland ~ Columbia Cosmetics/Rachel Rendel ~ Daniel Mai ~ Debbi Sack ~ Faction Brewing ~ Flax Art & Design ~ Food Mill ~ Freight & Salvage ~ Grand Lake Ace Hardware ~ Grand Lake Theatre ~ Harvard Business School Community Partners ~ It’s Your Move Game Store ~ Jain Williams State Farm ~ Juanita & Maude ~ Kaiser Permanente ~ Kendra McKinley ~ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ~ Lorna Padilla Markus ~ Manifesta Salon ~ Mechanics Bank ~ Minuteman Press ~ Mowat Mackie & Anderson, LLP ~ Neato Mastering ~ Oakland Athletic Club ~ Oakland School for the Arts Vocal Rush ~ Oakland Zoo ~ Philz Coffee ~ Reenie Raschke Photography ~ Safeway ~ Southwest Airlines ~ Sprouts ~ Tesser Call ~ The Back Room ~ The Ivy Room ~ Tiger’s Taproom ~ Trader Joe’s ~ UC Theatre ~ Yoshi’s
This fall, we were delighted to launch our Communications and Marketing Committee (CMC), chaired by FP board member, Christine Cueto (left). Origins of this committee began in 2018 when we were invited to apply for, and were awarded, a grant from the Harvard Business School Community Partners (HBSCP), via Denise Bradley Tyson, HBS alumna and our 2017 Women’s Leadership Luncheon Keynote. Last year, we worked closely with our fantastic HBSCP team and have begun implementing a custom branding/marketing plan from their collective expertise to optimize outreach to Alameda County parents who could most benefit from our 24-Hour Parent Support & Resource Hotline and services. We are thrilled to welcome back three HBSCP alumni – Julia Stenzel, Divya Agarwal and Norman Boone – again lending their expertise to the new, 10-member CMC. With committee guidance, we are well positioned to leverage this grant to secure others while enacting novel approaches that increase awareness of Family Paths as the one-stop-shop for parenting support, assisting with everyday challenges of raising a child, as well as concrete, person-to-person connection in those moments of crisis.
We are so proud of our robust training department, led by Clinical Training Coordinator, Kristin Michaels, MFT (right, pictured with Administrative Assistant Gaby Plaza). Our trainings are developed to help mental health providers, social service professionals, and resource families obtain the latest information on topics relevant to recognizing resilience while also supporting vulnerable children, youth and families impacted by trauma. In conjunction with Chabot-Las Positas Community College District and Alameda County Social Services Agency through Title IV-E Funding, we provided trainings to staff from 77 other agencies throughout Alameda County, including six departments within Alameda County Behavioral Health Care and three departments within Alameda County Public Health Care. That’s up from 25 agencies served in FY 17-18. In FY 2018-2019, we had 776 participants in 64 trainings with a total of 224 training hours. That’s just one way we work toward our vision of a safe home for every child.
On June 26, 2019, we welcomed fathers and father-figures to join Family Paths’ Board, staff and members of the Alameda County Fathers Corps to celebrate the launch of our new father-specific programming – Fatherhood & Co-parenting: Beyond Conflict. Board President and father of five, Lyman Hollins (pictured), gave an impassioned speech about the needs of fathers and all Alameda County families and how our innovative programs meet our clients where they are.