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Self-care is NOT selfish!

What is Self-Care?

Self-care is care provided “for you, by you”. It’s about identifying your own needs and taking steps to meet them. It is taking the time to do some of the activities that nurture you. Self-care is about taking proper care of yourself and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others.

Self care includes any intentional actions you take to care for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Self care is a way of living that incorporates behaviors that help you to be refreshed, replenish your personal motivation, and grow as a person.

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Some Self-Care tips you can do whether you have one minute or a couple of hours in your day.

Why is Self-Care so important?

  • It decreases stress, feeling over-whelmed, burn-out, and feelings of resentment.
  • It increases motivation, energy, patience, self-esteem, a healthy sense of self-worth.

Quick Tips to Self-Care:

  • Live Healthy – Eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and avoid drugs and alcohol. Manage stress and go for regular medical check-ups.
  • Practice Good Hygiene – Good hygiene is important for social, medical, and psychological reasons in that it not only reduces the risk of illness, but it also improves the way others view you and how you view yourself.
  • Build Your Sense of Belonging – See friends. Consider joining a support group to make new friends.
  • Do Something You Enjoy Every Day – That might mean dancing, watching a favorite TV show, working in the garden, painting or reading.
  • Find Ways to Relax – Try meditation, yoga, getting a massage, taking a bath or walking in the woods. (Read More)


  • Gentleness: Allow yourself to be gentle with yourself and your expectations.
  • Relaxation: Do at least one relaxing thing.
  • Accomplishment: Similar to doing something with mastery, do something that makes you feel good about your abilities. Or just cross one thing off your to-do list.
  • Pleasure: Do something that brings you pleasure
  • Exercise: Do 60 minutes of cardio exercise at least three times a week, which can be as effective as an antidepressant medication in lowering depression and anxiety
  • Social: Interact with positive people, preferably in real life.

(Source: http://www.abigailburdlcsw.com/some-grapes-a-day-keep-the-psychiatrist-away/)