Rene DValery

Rene DValery is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, who was born in Nicaragua and grew up in San Francisco. Rene has been at Family Paths since 2006, when fresh out of grad school he joined the Early Childhood Mental Health and later on the Families in Transition branches of the organization to start and eventually complete his required hours of internship toward licensure. After completing his licensure, Rene began working at Kaiser Permanente in the Early Start Program and as a private practice clinician. In 2013, Rene returned to Family Paths as one of the managers of the Families in Transition Program and in from 2018 to 2020 he managed Family Paths’ Parenting Stress Helpline. In both positions, Rene focused much of his energy into expanding the awareness of the Latino Culture in the agency and growing the number of Spanish Speaking providers. After a few years away, Rene has returned to Family Paths in the role of Clinical Director. In this role, Rene will be supporting the Families in Transition teams, Clinical Operations, and the Training Program. His two main goals are to foster an environment of support and mutuality while also developing systems to streamline the work that we do.