Valentina Torres
Valentina Torres MA is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California. Valentina is bilingual and speaks Spanish fluently. Valentina has 10 years of clinical experience providing family & child psychotherapy, individual psychotherapy, developmental playgroups and parenting groups. Additionally, she provides reflective supervision to early childhood clinicians. She has worked with various populations providing Early Childhood Mental Health consultation in preschools throughout the Bay Area. She is a trainer in trauma responsive care for educators and administrators. She is certified as a Circle of Security Educator, a Fussy Baby Specialist with Fussy Baby Network from the Erikson Institute and an authorized trainer and coach of the CA CSEFEL Teaching Pyramid. Valentina received her BA in Theater Arts from the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2005. She received her master’s in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Drama Therapy from the California Institute of Integral Studies in 2009. Valentina is deeply passionate about providing high quality services to our most marginalized communities to heal trauma and create change by uplifting the voices of our children, their families and the people and systems that support them.