Home / What We Do / Community Outreach



For over 50 years, Family Paths has been a best kept secret, but thanks to our Outreach Team and the development of the Community Advisory Network (CAN), we are on the move and getting the word out to the Alameda County community at large about our stellar mental health and supportive services for parents, children, youth and families. The CAN is made up of 150 agencies and individuals (and counting!) who are working together to create a safety net of resources for community members and their families.

Our Outreach team and volunteers are ready to table at your event, offer presentations to your place of work, and more to make sure families who need us and providers, school counselors and teachers who serve them have the information and tools to connect us to those who need our services.

To join the Community Advisory Network, book our Outreach Team, receive Family Paths’ materials, or to volunteer for our events, email Otis Ward at oward@familypaths.org.

See below for videos of past CAN meetings.

Upcoming CAN meetings:

  • April 17
  • June 19
  • August 21
  • October 16
  • December 18

Our Outreach Team

Otis D. Ward Jr., CPDPE brings over 30 years of experience in Community Base Management, Case Management, and Program Development supporting families through his work with organizations in Alameda and San Francisco counties. As a Certified Facilitator and strong motivational speaker, Otis has directed individuals to seek personal goals and achievements, while building their self confidence. A few of the many organizations Otis has either managed or supported over the years include Operation HOPE, Inc., Alameda County Associated Community Action Program, Alameda County Social Services Agency One Stop Career Centers, Employment Workforce, CalWORKs programs, San Francisco County of The Treasurer Office, and Alameda Alliance for Health.


Black Pride Parade

Oakland’s Art & Soul Festival

Laurel Street Fair

Temescal Street Fair

Golden State Warriors Mental Health Night

Health & Wellness events

Job Fairs

Alameda County Children’s Fair

The Cherry Festival

Aisha Wilson, our Foster Parent Community Advocate and Outreach team member, is a social justice warrior with 10 years’ experience as program coordinator and canvasser for Get Out the Vote. She has experience in intensive case management, referrals to community agencies and distribution of resource information to those in need. Many years of advocacy and lived experience working with the most impacted populations—policy and advocacy for housing justice, criminal justice, environmental justice, and reproductive justice – makes Aisha an important part of the Family Paths team.

PAST CAN MEETINGS (Click date to view/hear meeting)




JUNE 2024

MAY 2024

APRIL 2024


NOVEMBER 2023 (Passcode: 533NyE?A)