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HotlineParenting Stress Helpline

Our Parenting Stress Helpline provides free and confidential counseling, information to anyone in need of parenting support and access to nearly 900 community resources from our vast database. You have access to caring parent support counselors for one time anonymous calls or regular call backs to support you with your particular parenting or family concerns, refer you to Family Paths’ services, or provide other Alameda County resources. Access to our services is via our Parenting Stress Helpline by calling 1-800-829-3777. You can also FILL OUT OUR INTEREST FORM. Note: Referrals/requests for service are not accepted via email.

Have you called our Helpline? CLICK HERE TO TELL US HOW WE DID.

Call 800-829-3777 for support. We’re here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • How do I not yell at my kid?
  • My ex-partner/co-parent and I don’t get along. How do we parent our kids together?
  • I’m looking for therapy. Do you offer that?
  • Can I get a resource for free meals or groceries?
  • Do you know where I can take a parenting class?
  • How do I raise a happy child?
  • How do I get my child to sleep?
  • Where do I go for food for my family?
  • How do I handle my teenager’s sass?
  • Is this behavior normal for my 4 month old? My 3 year old? My tween?
  • When will my baby talk?
  • My child is being bullied at school or online. How do I help?
  • I think my teen is using drugs, what do I do?
  • I’m so angry at my child! How do I calm down so I won’t hurt him?

Family Paths is committed to recognizing and serving all families, including LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual), foster, relative and non-relative caregivers, and adoptive families. Family Paths embraces the Alameda County Fathers Corps’ Father-Friendly Principles.


To support our callers and clients for whom English is not their primary language, the Parenting Stress Helpline, as well as clinicians, can easily access a translation service via the phone 24-hours per day, 7 days per week. The phone translation service provides translation in over 400 languages.

What to do when you have a complaint: Read our Grievance policy.
Que hacer si usted tiene una queja. Lea nuestra política de quejas en Español.


Click HERE to learn more and to apply.

Have you ever called our 24-Hour Parenting Stress Helpline? TELL US HOW WE DID!