Dear Friends of Family Paths,
During this time of national and regional tragedy and trauma, we continue to see a rise in stress in our local community. Do you know that 50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by the age of 14? Or in the U.S., a report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds? Our mission, to strengthen families by providing mental health and supportive services with respect, integrity, compassion and hope, addresses both of these crises.
Our programs are designed to help children, youth and caregivers heal wounds, identify strengths, learn new skills, and connect to vital resources. Our evidence-based/evidence-informed services, as well as innovative practices, address the critical mental health and parenting needs in Alameda County.
In order to meet these growing needs, we are fostering new collaborations with community partners, implementing groundbreaking father-specific services, strengthening our Family Partner integration, and increasing our community visibility. We are also continuing to build a strong trauma-informed agency in order to recruit and retain the most talented, dedicated, culturally diverse staff in the County.
I invite you to scroll down to read our full Annual Report (financials, supporter lists, more program highlights), and join me in being inspired by the impact that your support makes in the lives of others!
Please read our annual appeal letter HERE and help us support Alameda County children and their families by donating to Family Paths HERE.
~ Barbra Silver, Executive Director
Click HERE to see a pdf of the full Annual Report.

Alanna Rayford ~ Battaglini Estate Winery ~ Blue Heron Catering ~ Brother & Sisters Flower Shop ~ Brown Sugar Kitchen ~ Cathy Barragan ~ Children’s Fairyland ~ Curry Up Now ~ Drew and Jaimi Haydel ~ Era Art Bar and Lounge ~ gina Breedlove ~ GlamSity Beauty Bar ~ Hopscotch ~ James Baker ~ Jennifer Johns ~ Kev Choice ~ Manifesta Salon ~ Minuteman Press ~ Nice Design ~ Ocho Candy ~ Reenie Raschke Photography ~ Tanya Holland ~ Tesser Call ~ Torpedo Sushi ~ Victor Harris ~ Yoshi’s
Thanks to the Greater Good Science Center for a $50,000 grant to fund our new program, Fatherhood & Co-Parenting: Beyond Conflict. Family Paths’ proposal was one of 16 chosen from over 200 international submissions. Program Manager, Julianne Rositas, and Clinical Director, Misa Trotman, now attend GGSC convenings with other developing innovative programs nationally and abroad. These meetings focus on providing grantees expert guidance from scientific advisors toward successful development and implementation of research-based programs that benefit the communities we serve. We are currently in the process of hiring a Fatherhood Specialist / Parent Educator to facilitate classes for our exciting new program that begins in spring 2019.
Family Paths’ Finding Peace Within group is the recipient of the Alameda County Mental Health Advisory Board’s 2018 Community Service Award in the Promising Innovative Program category. Longtime clinicians, Amy Attiyeh, MFT (left), and Phyllis Lorenz, MFT, co-founders and facilitators of Finding Peace Within, our skills group for women who have experienced trauma, have led this group for over a decade and served more than 200 women who are committed to getting the skills they need to heal and thrive.
In 2017, Veronica Cabrera (left with Program Manager Kimberly Porter-Leite) was promoted to be our new Family Partner, and in the first year of this service at Family Paths, she has supported 25 families, 17 of which are primarily Spanish speaking. Family Partners promote partnerships between families, mental health providers, health care providers and school personnel, and provide advocacy, support, and help with a variety of needs such as housing, immigration issues and IEP’s (Individualized Education Plans). Veronica brings the perspective of a fellow parent while respecting the unique culture and history of each family and the integrity of the individual family’s needs in the care and support of their child.
In a recent case, Veronica was asked by a mother if she could accompany her to an immigration court hearing where the mother was at risk of being deported. The family had decided that the father should stay with the children outside the courtroom to avoid the possible trauma of seeing their mother taken away, but this left the mother alone to face the judge with no support other than her lawyer. The mother was so grateful that Veronica could go with her in this tremendous moment of need. To the relief of the mother and her family, she got an extension to stay until 2020.
“We are eternally grateful for your support and guidance which has helped us tremendously through the stressful moments.” ~ Family Partner client
Held Friday, September 21 at Oakland’s Preservation Park, WLL 2018 welcomed more than 100 attendees to hear from Emcee CJ Hirschfield of Children’s Fairyland and Keynote Speaker Piper Payne, Chief Mastering Engineer. Piper’s keynote “Quality and Equality in Oakland’s Evolving Music Ecosystem,” shed light on social justice issues within the larger music industry. Her Oakland-based companies, Neato Mastering and Second Line Vinyl, are innovating change to improve conditions for women, artists and communities. Special thanks to all sponsors, in-kind donors and special musical guests Kendra McKinley, Oakland School for the Arts’ Vocal Rush and MaJo. The event netted over $13,000 in unrestricted funds for Family Paths.